Source code for pikos.monitors.focused_line_mixin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Package: Pikos toolkit
#  File: monitors/
#  License: LICENSE.TXT
#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
from pikos._internal.function_set import FunctionSet
from pikos._internal.attach_decorators import advanced_attach

[docs]class FocusedLineMixin(object): """ Mixing class to support recording python line events `focused` on a set of functions. The method is used along a line event based monitor. It mainly overrides the `on_line_event` method to only record events when the interpreter is working inside the predefined functions. Public ------ functions : FunctionSet A set of function or method objects inside which recording will take place. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords): """ Initialize the monitoring class. Parameters ---------- *arguments : list The list of arguments required by the base monitor. They will be passed on the super class of the mixing **keywords : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments. The `functions` keyword if defined should be a list of function or method objects inside which recording will take place. """ # FIXME: There should be a better way to do this functions = keywords.pop('functions', ()) super(FocusedLineMixin, self).__init__(*arguments, **keywords) self.functions = FunctionSet(functions) self._code_trackers = {}
[docs] def on_line_event(self, frame, why, arg): """ Record the line event if we are inside the functions. """ code = frame.f_code if code in self.functions: event_method = super(FocusedLineMixin, self).on_line_event event_method(frame, why, arg) return self.on_line_event # Override the default attach method to support arguments.
attach = advanced_attach